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Course Details


ArtCAM software is a single solution for designers, makers, and small businesses looking to create 3D reliefs and decorative woodwork. ArtCAM is a unique software program which enables you to create impressive, high-quality three-dimensional products starting out as two-dimensional bitmap or vector-based artwork. ArtCAM is an artistic 3D CAD/CAM package with the functionality to do 2D design, editing and layout tools, vectorization of bitmaps, true shape nesting, 3D modelling tools, 3D model import, interactive sculpting, texturing tools and ability to re-use 3D models as clipart in any size in other designs. ArtCAM is used in a variety of sectors from jewellery and coin minting, to the design and manufacture of architectural cornicing and facades. The common theme across these sectors is the desire to produce intricate artistic forms with incredible detail that can then be quickly and easily machined or 3D printed.


Abhijit Das

Course Fee

Rs 12000/-

5 Course rating • 17 ratings only

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